Fighting Anti-freedom Facebook one blog post at a time


Further down is the Facebook post that was banned and deleted by Facebook censors and led to a partial ban as to what extent of a ban I am unsure about


“Our standards on adult sexual exploitation

We protect victims and survivors, and remove sexual violence and intimate images shared without consent.

This includes things like:

  • • Non-consensual sexual touching
  • • Threatening to expose people
  • • Offering or asking for sex or nude images
  • • Threatening to share intimate images or private sexual conversations without consent
  • • Sexual images taken when the person wasn’t aware”


Howdy, herd. Below is the HORRID EVIL POST THAT MUST BE BANNED and not allowed to sully the all-glorious beloved holier-than-thou crisp, clear and clean ALMIGHTY FACEBOOK!!!!

BAH!!!!!! Facebook is trash. I was banned for several years and for reasons they would never declare. The content you have been seeing from me is no different than what I was doing long ago the get a total ban that lasted around 3-1/2 years. Facebook is part of the New World Order establishment.

Below is the banned content I tried to post on February 12, 2023. I appealed but the computer software rendered the same verdict of that content not allowed and I was told this:


“Your post goes against our Community Standards on adult sexual exploitation
No one else can see your post.
We have these standards because we want everyone to feel safe, respected and welcome.
If your content goes against our Community Standards again, your account may be restricted or disabled.”


Here is what Facebook tried to save you from being corrupted by:



“An unidentified object was shot down over northern Canada on Saturday, marking the third time in a week that US fighter jets have taken down objects in North American airspace.”…/unidentified-object…/index.html

It is good that our airspace is being well-guarded BUT . . . I fear that fly-boys and possibly fly-girls and fly-others and fly-none-of-the-above (am I being properly politically correct and Woke as required by the New World Order tyrannical elites and their assorted lackeys infesting society??? ANYWAY . . .

if the whatever they are with fingers on the trigger to send missiles or 20-mm or 30-mm rounds ripping into the target are too quick to attack I fear that the adventurous among us in their homemade craft could be in severe peril. Imagine the horror if another “lawn chair Larry” floating along eating a sandwich and enjoying a beer gazing upon the sights below was suddenly and unexpectedly attacked by a swooping jet fighter. SPLAT!!!!! No more Larry. Or Joe. Or whoever was aloft. I hope those folks flying around looking for targets are selective in what they target.

Hats off to Larry. Folks still talk about his adventure.

“Larry wanted to fly and, boy, did Larry fly! Instead of lazily floating off the ground and beginning his drift east at a low altitude, his tethering lines prematurely snapped, and he quickly rocketed up to a whopping 16,000 feet. He was sighted by multiple commercial airline pilots around Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), who called the bizarre sighting into air traffic control.

“This is TWA 231, level at 16,000 feet. We have a man in a chair attached to balloons in our ten-o’clock position, range five miles.””

Follow the link to read the entire thrilling, exciting and funny tale of a modern-day heroic figure:

Sadly, Larry died young but his achievement lives on.

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