Cook Yer’ Dern’ Bacon in the Oven


Frying bacon in a skillet is great for making a couple quick slices for a sandwich or burger or whatever you pervs do with that bacon but if you have a buncha’ bacon to cook use the damn oven.

No splattering bacon to shoot grease out from the pan to land upon your naked exposed skin. That hurts. Screw that stuff. The link below leads to a handy Web site explaining all the damn details of oven bacon cooking so that I do not have to. Good. I don’t feel like going to all that work.

What I will mention is first-hand real world experience with massive amounts of cooking bacon in the oven. Or would roasting bacon in the oven be more accurate? Bah!!! Who cares. Heat the damn dead pig until it is safe to eat and tasty.

From the awesome WebMD Web site here is their warning to you to thoroughly cook your damn bacon or any type of pork:


Eating undercooked or raw pork can result in parasitic infections. Taenia solium, or pork tapeworm, is an intestinal parasite. Most of the time it’s harmless, but it can occasionally cause a disease called cysticercosis, which leads to epilepsy.

Eating raw or undercooked pork can also result in trichinosis, an infection of parasitic roundworms called Trichinella. While trichinosis symptoms are usually mild, they can become serious — even fatal — especially in older adults.

To avoid parasitic infection, always cook pork thoroughly. Check the temperature with a meat thermometer to ensure the meat has become hot enough to kill parasites and bacteria before serving.


With bacon being so thin if the stuff is cooked to the typical eating level of doneness (if doneness is not a word it should be one so starting right here doneness is now an officially approved word by the Disgruntled Old Coot) there should be no problem with little creatures thriving and multiplying inside you.

At our awesome American Legion post we have a kitchen where we prepare meals at various times. On the first Saturday of each month we have an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet with groovy scrambled eggs, fried taters with onion mixed in for flavor, biscuits and gravy that may have left-over sausage added, sausage molded into round patties (we buy the bulk sausage in those 10-pound plastic tube things) and bacon. Yummy bacon. Lots of yummy bacon. We used large flat aluminum cookie trays and place a wire rack atop that pan allowing the heat to evenly reach both side of the bacon. Getting the bacon out of the grease assists with lowering the grease level of the finished product and no draining is required. Damn smart of us, in my never humble opinion.

That’s how we do it. For variety we take out some of the bacon when it is out the chewier level of doneness preferred by some and the rest keeps cooking until it is crispier as weirdos like the stuff. If they want super-crispy bacon they can take the bacon home with them and cook the stuff to death in their own abode.

Bacon can also be cooked in the microwave and I have had good results with that at home but it tends to be a bit messy while cooking, for me, anyway, and I gave up on that method. If curious about microwaving bacon get your fat lard-laden fingers typing and go find out about that method on your own. I can’t do all the work for you lazy slobs. Have a Merry Christmas I shout from the shack this 20th day of December in the year 2022 that I never imagined in my wildest craziest perverted dreams that I would live long enough to experience.




Bacon is versatile stuff with many uses




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