Fast Bites BBQ Rib Sandwich Two Reviews; audio-video and text

Fast Bites BBQ rib sandwich_result


Text to start (me) and a YouTube video awaits you at the bottom of the page:

$1.15 at the local independent el cheapo grocery store. Grabbed one and ate it for supper. Edible. As the reviewer says the bun has hard/chewy sections but I can live with that.

Two-minutes in my new awesome BIG 1,250 watt Panasonic microwave and the vittle has to cool around 4 to 5 minutes before I can wrap my teeth around it. Ergo; either turn down the power setting or leave in for a lesser time period. That might minimize or end the hardening of the buns.

The price is right and the taste is not revolting. That’s better than a lot of the crap I cook from scratch. Returned a week later to grab veggies for a salad, a BIG salad that will last a week, and while there bought 6 more of the damn things.

Quick and easy to prepare. Tastes good enough for me to not run away in disgust. I would not walk a mile for one of these but a trip to the freezer then off to the microwave then either linger or head for the computer and harass folks at the message boards or on my blogs then after the cooking and cooling period back to the nuke machine and grab the goody, yank out of the plastic and eat. Yum. I would eat two if they were not so damn fattening.

I hereby give this inexpensive fare my unofficial important only to me Old Coot Seal of Edibleness combined with the nonexistent ribbon declaring my Official Ribbon of Affordability.

Eat long and prosper.

Happy Eating!!!!!



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