Dollar Tree Sells GROUND BEEF!! – WHAT ARE WE EATING?? – YouTube



Folks . . . WordPress is still giving me a SUB-PAR blogging experience due to their idiotic alterations to how the blog creator can create an entry. I am still looking for a replacement. I can not recommend WordPress to ANYBODY unless they are an expert blogger or willing to endure a steep learning curve. However, I believe the average blogger does not want to endure all that AGONY to use a system that was once very user-friendly and intuitive to us. Maybe WordPress did this evil on purpose desiring to run off the many bloggers that use their service for free. I have been a paying user for years, my way of saying “Thanks” to the firm that offered a blogging platform with user-friendly functions. That has changed. Oh well. When I find a new home I will transfer my blogs and delete what is here. Okay, onward to the fun stuff.


I will heed the fellow’s advice and avoid those food items found at the dollar-type store and anywhere the brand is sold. I sought a Web site for “Chef’s Requested” and found this: “  This domain has expired.” Hmmmm . . .

Poking around:

Chef’s Requested Foods, Inc.  COURT Oklahoma Western Bankruptcy CourtCASENUMBER 5:2019bk11035 TYPE / CHAPTER Voluntary / 7
The folks at Chowhound have some interesting commentary about Chef’s Request steaks:
However, if the firm IS out of business then you, me and those folks over there will not have to beware the sub-par products they offer the eating public. Remember, tastes do vary so what is revolting to one person may be fine dining to another.
If a firm tossing out cheap low-quality food goes out of business there are others still cranking out the yucky stuff and there will always be new entrants into the yucky food field or a firm going through tough times may lower quality so as to become profitable again. I suggest when trying a new food-type or a brand you are unfamiliar with to either research the Web seeking reviews and comments before buying OR . . . if it is an on-the-spot impulse purchase buy the smallest quantity possible to minimize loss if the product is inedible.
On a page within dedicated to Chef’s Requested Foods we read:
So, the warning in the video below is outdated due to being product and brand specific. However, the warning and advice is still pertinent as we shop the shelves for edibles to sustain our bodily functions. We DO have TRILLIONS of cells to feed and that IS a lot of hungry mouths.
There is also the bacterial load within us that is dependent upon what we shovel into our mouth and send on its way to its ultimate stinky ending as the glop is ejected from our body.
Be nice to the bacteria hitching a ride within you. Some of them perform useful functions such as assisting with food digestion. To assist with understanding who and what you are feeding:
“It’s often said that the bacteria and other microbes in our body outnumber our own cells by about ten to one. That’s a myth that should be forgotten, say researchers in Israel and Canada. The ratio between resident microbes and human cells is more likely to be one-to-one, they calculate.”

For folks that enjoy numbers, especially really big numbers, check this out:

“A ‘reference man’ (one who is 70 kilograms, 20–30 years old and 1.7 metres tall) contains on average about 30 trillion human cells and 39 trillion bacteria”

That is a lot of critters to feed. So how do many of us have to scale back our munching in often feeble attempts to keep the rolls of blubber from growing upon us? I predict that the richest person in the world by far will be the person creating the pill that safely speeds up the digestive processes of those TRILLIONS of cells and bacteria. Note: a cell is a friendly home-grown bacteria. A bacteria is a cell. Weird how this stuff works.

Read more about the huge horde of living creatures that make up what is you and me al all multi-cellular life forms:

Scientists bust myth that our bodies have more bacteria than human cells


Okay . . . go make some popcorn . . . it is MOVIE TIME!!!



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