Food For the Too Lazy to Cook Cohort


“Underwood Deviled Meat Spreads – WHAT ARE WE EATING?? – The Wolfe Pit – YouTube”


Some food in a package requires defrosting and heating or maybe just defrosting. Many items from cans can be eaten directly from the can but most folks seem to insist upon heating the stuff and, perhaps, embellishing the food with additions. An example of that is adding toppings to a frozen pizza either before it bakes or afterward. Some crazed connosewers (connoisseurs?) add crunched up crackers to canned chili or some soups. There are endless ways to “spice up” your packaged vittles using spices or other edibles.

For the ultimate in laziness (I prefer the term ‘practicality’) when I devour a can of condensed chicken noodle soup I eat it straight form the can at room temperature and use a plastic spoon to prevent the need for any dish washing. I admit to adhering to the growing protocols of trying to keep plastic out of the environment so I nowadays tend to toss the plasticware onto the counter with the other dirty things waiting the soap suds. In the good old days I tossed the plastic forks, spoons, knives, sporks, etc. into the trash. For the good of Gaia, humanity, critters and others basic alterations in habits cost little to nothing and leave a warm sultry glow within akin to the rush of old obtained from the inhalation of a toke from a doobie of fine Colombian Gold. Does that “brand” of reefer still exist? Realizing I was goofy enough without additives I decided to save wealth by shunning the “evil weed” more than 2-decades ago. Toss in the shunning of people and I am definitely out of the loop regarding those hippie-like affairs of yore.



In the grand scheme of things abstaining from all intoxicants is for the best but if you must alter your mental state I believe there are many advantages to selecting pot over alcohol and that booze/beer/wine/etc has enough negatives that total abstinence is a very wise choice.

Lots of stuff is edible out of the package. Much of it is fattening, tossing unwanted rolls of lard upon your once lithe, trim body admired with immense lust by the opposite sex and since this IS the PC era admiring eyes from those of the same gender mentally molested you. Whoops, getting off topic. Trying to avoid an R-rating here. Is that G, PG, R, X stuff still in use? Haven’t been to ta theater in decades. A DVD in the Sony player bought over 20-years ago and the nifty TV that can be lifted with one hand vice the Zenith 25-inch behemoth requiring two husky males to lift and move provides ample entertainment without the need to mingle with the barbaric feral masses that the typical USA resident has become. Folks, I dwell where the lower socioeconomic cohorts run free. Life is definitely different where the higher classes dwell. Where the cohort controlling our lives live. This “representational republic” politics works excellently for those in the top 5%. Us commoners are screwed. Hey . . . veering off-topic again!!! Before I go, at least we do not live in North Korea or Somalia or many of the other cesspools of the world lorded over by warlords and various evil filth of the most vile kind.

Canned meat stuff you can plop upon a cracker or slice of bread or eat with a spoon straight from the tiny can. Curious about cost a quick Web peek reveals (eeeek!!!!) Dollar General demanding you pay $1.75 for

to avoid having to run out the store and flee possible pursuit and result search of you by the police of the store employee fails to tackle you and restrain you until the cops arrive. Few employees will do that and I believe that nation-wide corporate policies instruct employees to let the miscreant flee with any stolen items. In general, it is easiest to just pay for the damn stuff. I read that jail food has declined in quality.

I am lousy at math. Perhaps those repeated blows to the head as a child caused brain dysfunction. The old man did get my attention, my rapt attention and he held it until he was done instructing me. Other sources provided head impacts with concrete sidewalks offering an extremely hard and non-resilient surface to maximize impact. Ouch. It was also well-suited to scraping flesh from the body though the asphalt streets with small gravel pieces atop was the most effective skin remover around. Ouch.

That abhorrent “Mew Math” of the 1960s with the evil educational bureaucrat filth playing games with young minds unable to stand up to those evil forces that nowadays are intent upon political correctness and forcing youth to embrace and support that vile evil anti-freedom anti-Western civilization anti-USA New World Order (NWO) that will place the top .05% of humanity as hereditary New Royalty in total control of everything below them. If that NWO attains its evil goals aa New Dark Age descends and the masses of common folks will be mere peons, serfs and possibly even slaves in chains of the overlords decide that is best for the masters. The Royalty will have their lackey underlings do all the dirty work. Whoops. Back to math.Using my handy ancient Hewlett-Packard calculator acquired back in the 1980s or so the 10B Business model has had but one battery change in all that time. Groovy. With its help I believe that the per-pound cost of the ham spread seen above is a whopping $6.69 per pound. If my math is wrong feel free to enlighten the world in the comment section below. That’s pricey, in my opinion. Some folks will scoff at that as they plan to board their private jet for a quick visit to the other side of the planet then return in time to watch the professional sport team they own play at the stadium the taxpayers paid to be built and maintained. What a scam. Every item you buy in a store pays a major portion of all professional athlete’s salaries and all the costs of professional sports. That is due to Television advertising whose costs are passed along to the consumers. Even if you shun TV sports or do not even look at a TV you ARE forced to pay the huge expenses associated with professional sports. And politicians in Congress ensure that this scam continues. I wonder if the top 1% of the socioeconomic hierarchy eat canned food or ever have to forego a doctor visit or put off buying a medication? Well, at least we are not in North Korea!!!


A couple years ago I bough the generic potted smashed meat food product stuff and ate it from the can. That did not happen again. Even I, as semi-impoverished as I am, am not so desperate that I have to steal the tiny easily-concealed cans of “meat product.” I do have the wealth required to pay for my vittles and I am selective as to which vitttles I buy. And potted mashed meat product is not on my list. Cost is the main reason. Experience with the generic bland spread’s taste also compels avoidance. The other types and tastes such as corned beef and others may be good to great but the cost factor kicks me in my pimply White butt and sends me scurrying off to the food that costs less per pound.

It is now YOUR choice to eat or not eat any of the many types, varieties, brands and what-else of the potted product de la meat or whatever the appropriate term is.



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