The Best Hot Dog Brands

A horde (herd?) of hot dog reviews. I do not trust any one review for such a varied edible item. What tastes good to one gal may be yucky to that cute babe in the bikini and one dude will groan in disgust at the taste of one brand of hot dog thus insulting the fellow that favors that brand leading to a drunken brawl in the backyard. Some folks take their hot dogs too seriously.

Here is the first review:

We tasted hot dog after hot dog after hot dog to determine the best:

The Best Hot Dog Brands, Ranked

I generally disdain anything spewed out by print or broadcast media that is corporate owned but hopefully hot dog rating will not possess the intensive anti-USA anti-Western civilization anti-freedom anti-We, the People biases held by the tyrannical elites that own and control all the major USA propaganda-spewing sources. Have you digested that? Good. Back to the dogs:

What’s the best hot dog in America? We tried 15 popular brands to find out

I believe the following is an independent non-corporate review that includes some dogs I never heard of. Not all locales have access to brands that are delivered to some areas but not other place.

We Tried 11 Hot Dogs and These Are the Tastiest

The review below includes some strange to weird hot dogs along with brands the fill every shelf in town:

We Taste-Tested 13 of the Best Hot Dog Brands. The Results, from ‘Meh’ to ‘Seconds, Please’

Time for a video review from a couple chaps that fill YouTube with reviews of anything edible:

And yet another opinion:

Grocery store hot dog brands, ranked, by Mashed

To keep things on an even keel it is time for an article to convince you to never ever bite into a hot dog again:

Things you don’t want to know about hot dogs

Mashed offered a text review above. Here is a video review to assist the reading impaired and/or the intellectually lazy:

Are you getting hungry yet? Does a burger sound better? Maybe an all-vegetable salad would hit the spot and be better for you. Are you on a low-carb diet and facing limitations that drive you bonkers? Perhaps you are akin to me with too much lard drooping off your body. Stare at the labels on the food packages at the store and note that the vast majority of anything yummy is fattening!!! Damn. It sucks. Big time.

Here is a hint to help those trying to cut back on the amount they eat. Donate your present collections of plates, bowls, silverware (maybe plasticware) to your local thrift store and buy all new stuff but make it kid-sized plates, bowls etc. Okay. You can keep the large forks and knives but definitely use small spoons. The longer it takes to eat the fuller you feel and t\the less you consume per sitting. Do you best to avoid seconds or thirds or fourths or whatever amount you typically shove into your body. Yeah. It sucks but we gotta’ do it. Skinny folks can ignore this part but be aware you are a minority and you do not want to make fun of fatties because we are a multitude and can sit on you and squish you akin to a flattened tube of toothpaste.

A video covering something different but still hot dog-related;  What’s The Best Hot Dog Style? Taste Test

Concluding this awesome array of wiener awareness we shall observe how a typical run-of-the-mill hot dog is made. Sadly, the earliest, gory stuff is omitted. Diligent Web searching should reveal that aspect of hot doggedness if that is your perverted desire.

Happy Eating!!!

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