Can Humans Eat Dog Food?

“In times of emergency or economic uncertainty, people often seek innovative methods for survival. In the wake of food shortages or insufficient funds to buy groceries, you may find yourself wondering if your dog’s food is a viable option to help get you out of a bind.

After all, if your dog enjoys scraps of human food from time to time, maybe it can work the other way around, too.This article reviews whether it’s safe for humans to eat dog food, including risks to consider if you’re contemplating chowing down on some puppy chow.”

When society collapses and the hordes of humans are clearing the grocery store shelves of edibles expect the alcohol section to be emptied first. If you are smart like me you shun all alcohol. Let the idiots become addicted to that foul toxin that causes more human misery than any other drug.

When it’s time to grab food for survival and there is very little left on the shelves consider grabbing food meant for Barfy or Fluffy. Grab what you can. If available I would consider filling a shopping cart with the largest bags, 50-pounds or more, fill the shopping carts and make a dash to the vehicle and get the heck out of there before gun-play starts.

The article linked-to below may answer some questions you may have. As with anything health, medical, survival, etc. related do not trust one source. Poke around and grab many opinions, viewpoints, sources, etc. Hopefully you will garner enough knowledge to make a wise decision. A wise decision can also be one that has you shunning something . . . such as shunning that foul toxin alcohol that tyrannical elite-class scum obtain immense wealth from by selling the putrid poison to the masses. The government also grabs ample wealth from the brainwashed buffoons either convinced they need booze to have fun or are addicted to the poison (yes, alcohol IS a poison) and must have their constant alcohol fix.



Can Humans Eat Dog Food?

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