Robots Get into the Pizza Making Business


“Operating out of Zume Pizza in Mountain View, California, two robots have been hard at work cranking out our favorite circular-shaped food. Marta and Bruno as they’re called don’t work without human assistance though. The process starts with a human rolling out the pizza dough and slapping it on a conveyor belt. Marta then covers it in tomato sauce, smearing evenly of course. Another human on the assembly line adds the toppings before it heads off to Bruno who puts the mostly done pizza in the oven for its final voyage before it becomes that delicious oh-so-good delicacy (obsess much, Nick?).”


Compared to how factories churn out enough frozen pizza to fill grocery stores and other retail outlets across the USA using machines at a single retail pizza outlet has little impact that I can detect… other than possibly reducing the crew needed per shift by one person.



Profit is apparently everything to some people but to what extent this is true across society I do not know. If I owned a retail pizza outlet or a local chain or even a national chain I would do all I could to stay profitable and thus remain in business while hiring only humans. People need jobs. High school kids need part-time work. College students and others need part-time and full-time work. Employers have a social duty to help keep people gainfully working. Us humans are a team!!! Humans are pack animals, not solitary creatures.


If my pizza place had to compete with a firm cutting costs using robots my advertising would constantly remind the public that my firm was meeting societal obligations by using real people. I doubt the cost savings using robots would make a huge difference in per-pizza price. Those frozen pizza brands building an enormous number of pizzas daily can cut per-pizza costs using machines and the quality is good enough that people keep buying them. However… those frozen pizzas sitting in the freezer can not compare to the lovely luscious aroma wafting out of the local pizza joint where cooking pizzas ooze their yumminess into the atmosphere.

Power to the people!!! Power to pizza makers!!! Hooray for tasty vittles!!! Hooray for whatever you deem worth of a hooray!!!




Robots Get into the Pizza Making Business | NewsWatch Review – NewsWatchTV

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