Females Adore and Revel in the Amazing Awesome Banana!!!


“Bananas are one of the healthiest natural food sources in the world. They contain almost no fat and are very low in calories (only 95 calories per medium sized banana). In terms of nutrition, bananas are high in Vitamin B6, fibre and potassium. Eating bananas has been found to lower the risk of a number of health conditions including type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, strokes and cancer. The high levels of vitamin B6 help to nervous system and the body’s production of white blood cells.

Famous sportspeople enjoying bananas

 The banana’s nutritional content, easy portability, low cost and great taste has made it a favourite fruit worldwide. It is particularly valued by athletes looking to boost their energy levels and avoid muscle cramp thanks to a high potassium content. In fact, eating the equivalent of half a banana every 15 minutes of a 3 hour cycling race has been found to be equally effective at keeping energy levels steady as drinking an equivalent amount of carbohydrate and minerals from a high energy sports drinks.

Incorporating banana into your diet can even cheer you up. They are the only fruit to contain the amino acid tryptophan plus Vitamin B6 which together produce serotonin, the natural chemical which alleviates mental depression.”

What can bananas do for you?

A Dietitian Explains Why Bananas are Good for You

The link above has convinced me to ignore those fattening snacks such as grabbing a doughnut at the convenience store or munching on fattening potato chips both that pale in comparison to the nutrition the mighty banana has to offer.

While wandering the Web seeking information about the popularity of the banana I was amazed at the amount of evidence showing how females embrace the banana. It is awe-inspiring how enamored the ladies are with this majestic edible. Here are a mere few of the bits of evidence I found:

banana crazy over wide eyed GIF
Don’t buy her a mink coat as a present. Buy her a bunch of bananas instead

banana eat from side GIF
Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum

banana eat with both hands GIF
Banana is the perfect snack for attending the concert

banana eating duo GIF
Bring a banana to share with a friend or to offer a friend just made

banana eating glutton frenzy GIF
When famished and feeling starved the easily chewed and swallowed banana is the perfect food

banana eating savoring yummy GIF
Relaxing with a banana savoring the fine flavor. No need to chomp and maul the tender delight. Take your time and engulf your essence with the fruity friend.

banana enchantment enthralled GIF
Some females are so enamored with the banana that therapists use the fruit to place patients in a trance-like state to advance the therapy process.

Almost delirious with delight while tastefully savoring the awesome banana. Surely one of the finer foods that the Creator has provided us humans… along with the other critters that eat the nutrition-packed easily-eaten and digested banana.

banana girl 4

banana girl 6

banana glare and eat GIF
One of many ways to eat a banana

banana kiss with adoration GIF

A gift of bananas can be a thrill for your sweetheart

banana lady peels GIF
Please your guests with a handy bunch of bananas ready to grab, peel and eat.

banana licking diligently yummy GIF
She will remember that it was YOU that gave her a perfectly ripe yummy beyond belief banana!!!

banana love female GIF
That loving look she gives you after you hand her a banana.

banana loving caress lick eat
Unlike crackers or chips that leave crumbs and debris upon your sheets the intimate, sensual banana is perfect for bedroom eating.

banana peel with feet GIF
Some gals can amaze you with their dexterity.

banana peeling girl hippie GIF
Even hippie chicks will be pleased when you hand her a banana.

banana peeling with gusto GIF
Some girls will send you a message with the way they peel their edible.

banana prim and proper eating method GIF
In a classy dining outing the well-bred woman will eat her banana in a manner Queen Victoria would approve of. Yes, a banana can be used to determine if the woman of your interest is well-mannered in the old-fashioned way.

banana slurp for the taste GIF
Banana eating can be sent to the eaters’ guy pal sending a message the banana babe is too shy to put in words. This is commonly seen on the Web. Communications include far more than mere words.

banana two gals swimming in GIF
Do they work at the docks where the ships arrive to deliver the yellow fellows? Is the ships’ cargo hold piled high with the fine fruit? Perhaps the ladies cavort while waiting for the conveyor device that will soon arrive to transport the bananas to the trucks that will deliver them to an admiring public.

love those bananas yum yum

Nutritious bananas provide elements, minerals and other nutrients that keep your skin and other body parts healthy

banana benefits
Forget those cookies, doughnuts, potato chips and all those other fattening foods that do not offer the multitude of benefits the banana offers our body. And the babes love them!!!

banana eat me
Make a banana’s day. Peel until nude or near nude and munch munch munch.

banana on cereal
Be creative. Use the banana to spice-up other food!!! Have you ever made banana bread? Done right is is extremely yummy!!!

Tarzan with bananas
Guys eat bananas, too. Maybe they are what gives Tarzan the strength to wrestle apes and huge alligators and force them to submit.

van full of bananas
Quantity purchases can bring the price plummeting downward. Maybe this the commune’s or collective’s van returning from the warehouse ready to feed the members.

If you are a guy that wants to impress a gal with a luxurious yummy banana delight be aware of the differences in desires among the generations. This chart is just a general guide. Buy a variety of ripe bananas and allow her to select that one that appeals to her. Have fun with this taste test. Try a bite or two of each ripeness level then go to the next one and determine which level makes your taste buds squirm with savory pleasure.

Be aware that ripeness level desired depends upon how you use the banana. There is ripeness for direct eating then ripeness level for making banana bread and you may want a certain ripeness level for slicing and placing in Jello or on top of breakfast food. If you are going on a road trip and will be gone for days or weeks try to buy bananas at various ripeness levels. Green ones that will ripen for later eating and semi-green for a few days away and ripe ones for the first 2 or 3 days. You will not have to concern yourself with packing a pile of bananas if you will be traveling where stores are present allowing you to grab the yellow fellows there.

Generational banana splits

If you have any questions about any aspect of bananas the Web awaits your curious fingers caressing the keyboard to enter your search term. Due to the prevalence of banana recipes I advise using the “-recipe” as part of your search term to minimize that input. If unused to this search aspect that is a MINUS sign in front of “recipe.” You can do that with any search and any word. Place a minus sign directly in front of a word you do not want the search engine to look for.

Bananas are handy and convenient. I toss one or two in the truck and as I cavort among my activities they sit there patiently waiting my grasp to expose their innards and eat. A time and calorie saver compared to stopping at the convenience store or fast-food joint and buying the expensive calorie-laden often unhealthy or only semi-unhealthy vittles they vend.

And, as proven by my Web wandering… awesome babes dig bananas!!!

I talked to the pretty lass next door about the female adoration of bananas. I pulled out a big banana to observe her reaction and this is what I saw:

lick lips female red GIF

Her desire and blatant over lust for the big fellow was so intense I immediately handed it to her and scurried back to my abode to update this interesting study of females and that fruit.

Returning to the Web I found a couple more graphics that inform the curious about bananas and their impact upon the “tender” gender:

banana eat unpeeled female

This gal likes the damn things so much she doesn’t even take the time to peel the damn things. Eating them in this manner surely provides a more than adequate amount of roughage in one’s diet.

I really like this picture of an intimate moment between a pretty gal and her adored banana:

banana close up cute pretty

Research continues. Post updated as new information enters the fray.

Enjoy your healthful bananas that provide fun to life along with vitamins and various nutritional elements.

Her first boyfriend:

banana her first boyfriend

partial banana peel GIF

banana lust love female eating GIF

banana double eat eat eat GIF

sharing a banana GIG

These two ladies who were friends in college and after graduation found jobs at the same firm decided to share an apartment to reduce living costs. One evening when after-dinner hunger struck and a snack was needed alas!!! Only one banana remained. Damn. A sage of yore mentioned something about necessity and invention or something akin to that so the two wise lasses pondered a bit then figure out how two can eat one lone banana. Wise gals. They will surely find husbands soon with those wise minds and a willingness to cooperate to achieve a goal.

get a boost from a banana

Bananas are an excellent snack when traveling in a car or truck

eat banana in car

Bananas in action

bananas in action GIF


banana bruised females eats GIF

Lucky Banana

banana three on one

Advice found upon the Web. Unsure of applicability

banana never make eye contact


lucious banana licking GIF


Creating New Bananas for the Masses of Hungry Banana Eaters

banana beat with hammer GIF


ban the banana


new tempting ways to serve bananas


May 26, 2022 5:56 PM CST A new banana gif found!!!!!!


sexy banana eat on phone







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