National Association of Margarine Manufacturers…


In praise of margarine. Grandma used the term “oleo” instead of margarine. That is short for “oleomargarine.” I believe that some states outlawed its sale in an attempt to support the high-powered dairy industry within that state.

Ahhh… here we go…

“The 1960s marked the end of the Oleo Wars, a nationwide struggle between agriculture and industry that sparked decades of protests, new state and federal laws, Supreme Court cases, and an active black market. By the mid 60s—when Wisconsin was the only state still prohibiting the sale or use of oleomargarine”


When Margarine Was Contraband


That may be fighting words for some folks



Once in a great while I splurge and buy a bit of butter. Not much. Typically when I am having a special meal where I plop the stuff upon mashed potatoes. Sometimes on a heated roll. Green beans or corn sometimes have a bit o’ butter tossed upon them but it is a rarity. The margarine is fine for the vast majority of my eating needs and the caloric content is a little less than real butter. The diet fake butter also known as oleo or margarine is still fattening but less so than the real stuff. Fake wins this round. But, sometimes, butter wins. So… it is a toss-up.

Happy eating!!!



National Association of Margarine Manufacturers, 1947

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