dandy vintage advertising: Photo

“Quaker Oats, 1958”

Even the most mildly competent cook can craft the meal shown above so if you are unable to read the recipe do not fret. Ample recipes abound for making any of the stuff shown above.

First comment about the ad refers to placing the damn peaches on the same plate where the other foods can mingle with what some may consider to be a desert item. Put the damn peaches on a separate plate!!! Even a bungling eat-out-of-a-can chap such as I knows to do that!!! Accckkkkk!!!!!!

My major gripe is a lack of a potato side dish. Mashed potatoes would be awesome. A baked potato would be cool. Scalloped or au gratin would be a delight. Even a plopped pile of instant taters would be better than no taters at all. If really lazy there are always the frozen spuds of all types. Those tater tot thinks and crinkle-cut and steak fries and other types. Get the damn peaches off the plate and replace with some type of potato.

The recipe states that the oat flakes absorb and hold the “juices” that some folks may more properly refer to as “grease.” Even hamburger grease can be used to make gravy and add a meaty taste to the gravy but the calorie count is high and some folks try to minimize the grease in their burger and other meats. It is an individual choice. Perhaps avoid grease every ten meals then splurge with the 11th and use the grease for flavoring as a self-indulgent treat and rely upon drugs in later life to stop total blockage of your veins and arteries. You decide. It’s a semi-free country in the USA. Unlike Britain that is steadily hurtling down into an abyss of idiocy and may even beat Sweden with becoming the first European caliphate.

Other recipes for meat loaf mention using the oats as an extender to decrease the cost of a meal. Cheaper then meat adding a bunch of dry uncooked oatmeal to hamburger and mixing it in can make a little hamburger go a long way. This is the first recipe I have seen mentioning that the oats are used to improve flavor. I suspect more than a bit of bias in that mention due to Quaker Oats being the folks paying to distribute this ad.

Whatever you do get those damn peaches off the plate!!!


dandy vintage advertising: Photo

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