The U.S. is fighting a french fry shortage because it’s been so cold


Better then nothing but plain boring smooth-sided fries can not compete with the marvelous delights provided by the might crinkle cut french fry. Those awesome scalloped-edge wonders even have their own blog!!!

Crinkle-Cut French fry Admirers Association



“Cold weather has led to a potato shortage in the U.S., threatening the availability of french fries, Bloomberg has reported.”

What could replace the french fry if a shortage led to a total lack of availability? Can potato chips be made out of smaller potatoes not suitable for making french fries? Can other vegetables be used such as squash or daikon or other veggies?

I do not buy produce grown in other countries and shipped to the USA. Grocery store labels assist my efforts with shunning imported produce. Will restaurants, fast-food joints and other vendors inform us if they start using imported potatoes? That is doubtful. However… hopefully the processing of potatoes and the immersion in hot oil would destroy any dangerous bacteria hitching a ride on the spuds.



How about any chemicals dangerous to humans used during the growing process? Standards overseas can be more lax than agricultural practices in first-world countries.

Let us hope for the best and that USA potato growers can overcome the adversity facing them and with mighty effort continue to provide a grateful nation with USA-grown quality suitable-for-frying potatoes.



beautiful   lovely   adorable   crinkle-cut fries made America great


The U.S. is fighting a french fry shortage because it’s been so cold – AOL Finance

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