Cheapism Shares Twelve Grilling Tips


Golly, the grilling advice at the linked-to Website make sense to me. I am far from even being an amateur griller since the closest I get to grilling is using an electric inside grill of the type seen above. They are handy and easy to clean.

What most folks likely consider to be real grilling is done outside using either charcoal or other flammable/heat producing things or propane. Which of the two heat sources is debated at many sites and may appear here, some day, week or year. But, not now.


Hank Hill, star of King of the Hill, insists that propane is best


The tips offered are basic and there are a multitude more out there in the Web world patiently awaiting on you all to seek and learn. The esteemed George Harrison also mentions Awaiting on You All:




***** WARNING *****

Injuries from ingesting grill brush wire bristles continue to be a public health problem. Patients can present with serious complications such as bowel perforation requiring emergent surgical intervention. It is important to create awareness of this issue in the surgical community to avoid delays in diagnosis and treatment. Stronger regulations are needed to ensure consumer safety.

Herd, Flock, Sundry Humans Everywhere . . . beware the metal grill brush. Heed the warnings!!!!


Bowel Perforation by Wire-Bristle Grill Brush: Is It Finally Time to Ban Them?


Other precautions include keeping bacteria growth to a minimum by adhering to proper food storage and sanitation measures. The Web awaits your eager searches to acquire the knowledge needed to prevent sickness that can range from gut-wrenching to even fatal in the worst cases!!! Be prepared and do your duty to ensure Happy Eating!!!

Now: on to the Twelve Tips:

12 Grilling Mistakes That Are Ruining Your Cookout

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