31 vintage TV dinners: Fried chicken, turkey, pot roast & other fab frozen food, retro-style – Click Americana

“31 vintage TV dinners: Fried chicken, turkey, pot roast & other fab frozen food, retro-style”

Hello, herd. Here is a neato Web site chock-full of old advertisements displaying that frozen delight that filled more than a few stomachs with calories. It is up to you to determine if “tasty” applies to TV dinners that have changed in various ways over the years.

I miss the TV dinners of old made by Swanson and other brands that had various types of Mexican-style food. Tamales and burritos or reasonable facsimiles of those items were so hard to make taste bad that even frozen food-type offerings tasted good enough to eat semi-regularly. Now that Taco Bell is screwing up their menu in a most horrible manner and I have stopped visiting the fast-food joint I used to eat at regularly, sometimes three or more times weekly, I need to find another easily and quickly obtained Mexican-type food meal.

For unknown reasons the old-style Mexican food TV dinner has disappeared. Locally, here at the end-of-the-line for food shipments, where the majority of the population is impoverished and scarce in relation to metropolitan areas, grocery store offerings are threadbare in comparison to other places I have lived where the population in numbers and density was higher to much higher. Even our produce is marginal in quality. The lowest-grade stuff that sells for the lowest price is all we can get our hands upon. Better quality produce is at hand when in season and local growers sell the stuff at farmer’s markets but it is the tiny portion of locals with more-than-average wealth buying that high-priced stuff.

The lousy local stores and the MANY Wal-Marts both super-store and their “neighborhood markets” have crappy produce at high prices and their frozen food offerings are bland, boring and priced no lower than other places though there are a couple local stores trying to be highfalutin and fancy that do have higher prices in general but that is merely done to keep out the unwashed masses of White trash slovenly tattoo-slathered ill-educated riff-raff which abound here. Sadly, too many of those scabrous ne’er-do-wells are methamphetamine abusers; the poor-man’s drug used by the most ignorant loser filth at the very bottom of the socioeconomic hierarchy. Some people will pay more to far more for their groceries just to avoid those scummy trashy undesirables.

Luckily I am above average in physical size and physique so those meth-head filth avoid me and I ignore them. Uggh. Truly a civil decent country would do what was required to rid themselves of worthless useless often criminal filth. YUCK!!!!

Frozen dinners. The only frozen Mexican-style food I see nowadays are those family-sized frozen enchiladas. No other stuff inside; just enchiladas and sauce. Tried them a few years back. Got several meals out of the one box but they were nothing special. Not as good as the TV dinner Mexican-style vittles I ate long ago. Progress? Not from my view. Taco Bell has gone to HELL and not even worth a single visit what with the crap they have on the menu now. I have tried a few other local Mexican-style fast-food and semi-fast-food joints not bothering with the fanciest sit-down restaurant Mexican joints. Their offerings were barely okay and I have yet to find one worth a second visit.

Over the decades I have realized from experience that price and fancy surroundings does not equate with food quality. Especially out in the more rural parts of the USA. Situations vary. As does your experience. If you disagree with me write your own damn blog. I am pissed. Where am I going to find some edible affordable Mexican-style food?

Go look at the linked-to Web site showing and telling about TV dinner history.


31 vintage TV dinners: Fried chicken, turkey, pot roast & other fab frozen food, retro-style – Click Americana


There’s the TV dinner I want. The Mexican one. I could eat two or three of those. Maybe one will appear at Antiques Road Show.

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