Hamburger Steak Southern Style – YouTube



A dinner idea including instructions on how to prepare it. Folks, you can alter the ingredients and cooking methods as you see fit. I would have made a LOT more mashed potatoes!!! And I would have used a bigger pan to fry the burgers. Or, make only half as much hamburger. Or, use two pans!!!

From the comment section, where many good (and bad) ideas can be found regarding food preparation. “That looks more like Salisbury Steak, with gravy. Hamburger steak does not have gravy.” Makes sense to me. Cook your burger patties at least partially while immersed in liquid and you have Salisbury steak. Actually Salisbury burger but let’s not get too technical here.

Pour on the gravy after the burger is cooked and you have hamburger steak with gravy. Both are good. Unless you are using tomato-based gravy. Then it is, I believe, something a bit different. More of an Italian-style meal. That’s a different realm of cooking… closer to spaghetti? Heck if I know.

Some day/month/year I shall grab some bacon and brown it a bit then add the veggie. Green beans is groovy. Unsure if bacon would go good with canned or frozen corn. I also use frozen broccoli and cauliflower. I steam it to heat it. Maybe adding some bacon to gravy would be a good addition. Will experiment in the future.

Pondering the use of a cast iron skillet. Never have used one at home. Only used the cheap non-stick skillets. Used the cast iron skillet at the Legion post when helping with the cooking there. It seems to cook some things better than the non-stick skillets.

A multitude of ways to personalize the cooking/preparation methods and adding spices and how to toss it all together on a plate. I often make more than a meals’ worth, saving the leftovers for the next day to simply heat and eat. I often use a large pot for making the mashed potatoes, bigger than needed. I use it to hold all the leftovers in one container that I can heat it all at once and even eat out of to cut down on dishes to do.

This is your cooking tip of the day. May it serve you well.

Happy eating!!!!

Well, looky here!!! The “chef” above is going to show us how to cook a Salisbury steak/burger. When commenting above I forgot about how various items such as bread crumbs are added to the burger before cooking. Here’s the video!!!


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