The Mighty Banana

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Why The Banana Is Quite Possibly The World’s Most Perfect Food

“Our favorite yellow fruit is not just delicious, it’s also highly nutritious. But when we’re cooking up one for a filling start to the day or grabbing a tasty treat on the go, we don’t normally stop to think about all the benefits our trusty bananas are giving to us. From supporting our immune systems and helping protect our hearts to providing energy and vitamins, here are five reasons—other than pure deliciousness, of course—that bananas might deserve the title of “Quite Possibly World’s Most Perfect Food.” “

Follow the link above for some reasons why the wonderful banana should be a part of your eating regimen.


Does everybody love bananas?


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Another site discussing bananas with a horde of visitor comments to add to the content:

Bananas – Nature’s Most Perfect Food?


Bananas are akin to politics within the USA.  Lots of disagreement going on


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There is inter-generational disagreement regarding the proper amount of ripeness for eating a banana. Being the quintessential Baby Boomer and mightily proud of that I rightfully side with the Boomers. I will not condemn those other generations for not being as far-out and groovy as the Boomers. With age, experience and increasing wisdom they will likely decide to follow the path of their predecessors. They are on the right path, anyway, by not bypassing bananas.


This study is bananas


Generational banana splits



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Here’s some more Web sites offering information to assist you with becoming a banana expert. Impress your friends and foes alike with your vast knowledge base of all things bananas. The Web is yours to use to dig in further to learn about the various banana breeds and uses and  the dangers confronting the beloved banana.


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The first link mentions the perils our banana friends confront. Join the cause and ensure the mighty banana remains our friend that thrives across the planet providing us with its delectable delightfulness!!!


Bananas Are Facing Extinction – And It’s All Our Fault


And some random banana links:


Bananas as the Perfect Food?

11 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Bananas


Bananas: The Miracle Fruit

11 Reasons Why You Should Eat More Bananas

Are Bananas Good for You?


One of my future posts will share some creative ways to prepare yummy edible delights using bananas. Until then… eat your bananas and thank our fellow humans who took the time and effort to plant, grow and harvest the bananas and haul them to the ships and send them on a sea cruise to ports far away where working people unload the bananas and place them on truck where truck drivers haul the bananas to warehouses where the banans are broken down into smaller lots and sent on their way and down the supply chain they go until the worker at your local grocery store unloads the truck and hauls them down the aisles to the banana display area where they sit eagerly awaiting you to fondle them while deciding which bananas to take home where hungry mouths eagerly await nature’s delightful treat. If you believe in a Greater Force, what some AmerIndian tribes referred to as the Great Unknown, a brief thought of thanks sent Its way is appropriate. If you believe that life is random without a Creator(s) that is okay!!! Still send a “thanks” into the Unknown. It hurts nothing and may even do a bit of good even though you may never know the result.


banana benefits



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Live good life God noble life memories loved ones




Bananas have more fun in life!!




The lovely, the talented, Taylor Brumann savoring a banana

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